User meeting 2023

November 09 - 10, 2023 | Kulmbach

Two great days are behind us. Around 40 participants made this year's user meeting in Kulmbach an event with interesting discussions, constructive food for thought and exciting new projects as a result.

In addition to the presentation of the new texware releases 23.1 through Petra Hoffmann and Martin Speidelwhich impresses with its new look and immensely expanded range of functions, there were two major topics: IT security and textile recycling.

On the subject of IT security, we asked our database supplier Progress Software GmbH from Cologne. Mr. Stefan Bolte showed how easily any company can fall victim to cyberattacks and presented Progress Flowmon - a solution for IT monitoring and AI-based anomaly detection that we at update texware also rely on. As a reliable and effective monitoring system, Progress Flowmon makes it possible to proactively detect potential threats from the internet and also to quickly identify and resolve network problems.

The vision of the textile cycle, the aim of which is high-quality recycling instead of landfilling and energy recovery, was presented by the head of the ITA Augsburg Mr. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mesut Cetin presented. He provided the participants with an interesting insight into the Recycling studio of the institute, where the entire mechanical recycling process is implemented as part of a model workshop. On the local texware/ERP installation, employees can enter the diverse data generated during the test series in a structured manner and thus draw conclusions between the machine setting parameters and the quality data. We are delighted that our software solution has made the Recycling studio can support.

We would like to thank all participants and, of course, our speakers for their contributions to the program.

If you would like more information on the topics of our user meeting, please do not hesitate to contact us.